Windows: Installation with PowerShell
The windows PowerShell script installer will install the agent on the system using a private HTTP/HTTPS repo contained on the AO Hub server, or a shared drive. It will then configure the agent (ossec.conf), and register the agent to the hub.
Administrator rights
PowerShell 5.1 or higher
Step 1: Open PowerShell as an Administrator and run the following command to download the agent installer Note: Windows defaults the download of the installer to system32. We recommend changing the download location to a directory to which the user has permissions such as c:\users
Invoke-WebRequest http://<hub_address>/installers/agent_deployV2.ps1 -Outfile .\agent_deployV2.ps1
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file .\agent_deployV2.ps1 -ossec_exe http://<hub_address>/channels/awp-hub-repo/windows/ossec-agent-latest.exe -server_ip <hub_address> -secure_protocol tcp