If you find you encounter this Apache error:
Apache-Error: [file "apache2_util.c"] [line 277]
[level 3] [client] ModSecurity: Rule processing failed
(id=351000, msg=Atomicorp.com Upload Malware Scanner: Malicious File upload attempt
detected and blocked). [hostname "www.mysite.org"]
[uri "/wp-admin/update.php"] [unique_id "ZNJw6FthDeRmuGAC7p6ncACCAAo"]
This indicates that either clamav is not installed, is not running or is broken. Please try the following things to troubleshoot:
1. Verify that clamav is installed as 'Root'
rpm -qa | grep clam
2. Verify that clamav is running
ps auxwww | grep clamd
3. Check that asl-stream-client is installed and running
yum install asl-stream-client