If the agent is already registered with the hub, please follow the troubleshooting steps in this article
Step 1) Confirm the process ossec-remoted process is running on the hub, and listening on port 1514. Run the following command as the root user:
ps ax |grep remoted
Should return a result similar to this:
[root@rockyhub ~]# ps ax | grep remoted
1858587 ? Sl 4:00 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-remoted -f
1858588 ? S 0:00 /var/ossec/bin/ossec-remoted -f
If ossec-remoted is not running, follow this procedure to start the OSSEC services:
systemctl restart ossec-hids
Note: Multiple instances of ossec-remoted will be running if the system is also configured to receive syslog traffic.
Step 2) Confirm UDP port 1514 is allowed by the local hubs firewall rules by running the following command:
grep FW_INBOUND_UDP_SERVICES /var/awp/etc/config
Acceptable return examples:
Note: if a list is returned (for example, 68.69) then 1514 should be included in the list (68,69,1514). If 1514 is NOT included, add 1514 at the end of the list and reload the security policy by running the following command: awp -s -f
Step 3) Confirm UDP traffic port 1514 is getting to the system by running the following command:
Note: tshark must be installed on the system prior to running this command, if tshark is not installed run "yum install wireshark" as the root user to install tshark:
tshark -i any port 1514
Troubleshooting tip: Rerun the agent installer script and change the port in the command above to 1515, you should see TCP 1515 traffic immediately. For example:
tshark -i any port 1515 -n
If you do not see packets from the agent, this means that an upstream firewall or filter is blocking traffic, or that the agent is configured to use the wrong IP address for the hub, or that the virtual machine has been configured for NAT mode and not bridge mode.
Step 4) Confirm the ossec.conf on the agent has the correct <server-ip> field set to the <hub ip>