Jan 1 11:11:11 s27 env: 2018/1/1 11:11:11 ossec-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: WARNING: (5489): There was no valid response to 'https://nvd.nist.gov/feeds/json/cve/1.0/nvdcve-1.0-2010.meta' after 3 attempts.
Atomicorps software automatically scans systems for vulnerabilities. To do this, we download information about the latest vulnerabilities either the vendor, or a trusted third party, such as NIST in the example above. The software does this periodically and automatically throughout the day.
This type of warning means that the system was temporarily unable to download the latest vulnerability reports from that specific source. This is not a bug.
Either the local system is unable to connect to the remote source, or the remote source is down or otherwise temporarily unable to respond to the request. Check the URL to see if you can connect to it, if you can not the remote third party provider is experiencing issues. (Atomicorp does not control these third party sources, contact the third party if you continue to experience issues with that source.)