*Note* This is not included with ASL. You must purchase the Atomic WAF license in order to apply these settings
Run the installer: wget -q -O - https://updates.atomicorp.com/installers/asl |sh
Once installation has completed, log into your ASL console: https://<your_server_ip>:30000
Click on the 'Configuration' tab
Click on the 'WAF' tab and select 'WAF Configuration'
Click the 'Add' button
Select 'Local Web Server' from the 'Add Protection For' drop down selection
Select the port that Nginx runs on. This is usually going to be Port 80
*Optional*: Check the SSL box (if you want to protect the SSL service(s) provided by Nginx) Enter the file system path to your SSL certificate, and SSL key in the "Path to SSL Certificate" and "Path to SSL Key file" boxes.
Click Save