To provide us with access, please follow the process below.
Step 1) Do not send us your root password to log into your system. We do not need it
As part of our security policies we will not use passwords to log into your system, and we will not store passwords in our support system. Our policy requires our support engineers to delete this information if you send it to us. Just follow the process below, that will install cryptographically strong keys that we will use to authenticate to your system instead of using a password. This will protect you as we wont have your root password, and no one will be able to steal it from us to access your system.
Step 2) Become root on your system
Type this command:
su -
This will ask for the root password for your system, type in your root users password.
Step 3)Run the command below, as the root user to install out SSH public keys, which will allow us to log into your system securely
wget -q -O - |bash
Note: You must have a version of wget installed that supports HTTPS.
If you do not see any output from this command it is likely wget on your system was replaced with a crippled version that does not support SSL. Please see this article to test if your wget supports SSL:
If you've done this before, and we've asked you to do this again please run the key installer again. We change our keys regularly for security reasons, so its vital you have the latest keys installed on your system. We wont be able to login in otherwise.
Step 4) (Optional) Add to AllowUsers in sshd_config
If you use ASLs admin user feature, or use sshds AllowUsers feature make sure you add the "atomic" user to the allowed users. If our tool does not add the user "atomic" that is because you allow root logins, and the tool will simply add our keys to the root account.
Step 5) Configure your firewall to allow access
If you need to open firewall access, please see the email sent with the IPs we will be logging in from.
Step 6) Send us the IP address and SSH port for the system
And finally, remember to send an email to with the IP address(es) of the system(s) you want us to log into, and if you run SSH on a non-standard port please include that information as well.
If you have sent this information to us in the past, please make sure you send it with any new request. As part of our procedures, our support team must confirm the IP address for each request before logging into any system as an important safeguard to ensure we are accessing the correct system, and have permission to do so.